Business in the home service industry doesn’t get done without dependable workers inplace. But building a successful organization doesn’t end with hiring skilled employees because it’s critical that they work together as a team. Building that team-based culture doesn’t happen overnight, so it’s important for business owners to answer the following questions about their company: Do my employees perform like a team, or do they work more-or-less independently? What can be done to turn our company culture away from individual achievement and towards being team-focused?
As the old saying goes, all boats rise. This adage applies to many situations inbusiness, as well as in life. And there is no place its more effective than when building a team-focused culture.
In the business world employees can feel isolated, worrying about impressing management and being compared negatively with their co-workers. In some cases,this sort of competitive culture leads to success. But more often the work environment turns toxic, leading to poor performance and high turnover, not to mention damage to the company’s reputation in the marketplace.
This is where a good team culture can make a significant difference. An effective team displays some key characteristics, including trust, respect, open communication and an ability to work together. These foundations help create a space where everyone feels appreciated and works together to achieve shared goals.
Define Your Ultimate Goals
There are multiple reasons to make your employees feel like they are part of a larger team, but none are more important than giving everyone a common goal. Organizing your workforce around shared objectives creates a sense of unity. Working towards a goal together will result in employees being more dedicated to their job and committed to shared success.
Incentivizing Goal Achievement Gets Quick Attention
Monetary incentives can be linked with employee retention and recruitment. And offering an incentive program that is tied to goal achievement can be a win for both the company and employees. Connecting team goals to tangible returns encourages acompany’s workforce to perform cohesively to achieve milestones in order to enjoy their full share of profits or bonus.
Most people want to achieve goals to which they’ve committed, but it never hurts to add some extra incentive. When the goal requires teamwork and the financial incentive is only rewarded to the whole team or no one, that tends to get everymember’s attention.
The approach to building a team-based culture where group goals are set and connected to monetary incentives motivates your employees to embrace teamwork and gives you more control over profit-sharing rewards.
To learn more about how to set up a program that connects achieving goals to increase profit sharing, check out the MARE platform from Reins with its new Milestones program.